Practical Info
In this section you can read practical information on topics, such as, the work procedure, most common practices, definitions of often used terms and privacy.

Assessment Procedure
This will take about one or two half-days depending on the reason for referral. Different assessment tools will be used in order to develop a personal profile with your child's strengths and areas for growth, his/her personal abilities, characteristics, skills and interests.

Your Privacy
The personal information/data of your child will be kept in a separate file at my office for five years. Without your permission no information will be given to third parties. As a Clinical/Developmental psychologist, I am obliged to obey the rules of the behavior code of psychologists.

Online Forms
To download one or more checklists, that parents will be asked to fill about the development of their child prior to any assessment please click below.

Complaint Procedure
This child psychology practice has a complaint procedure. If you have a complaint about the psychological services, then it is important to first discuss it with the psychologist either orally or in writing.